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Programme - ICEC 2025

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ICEC 2025
International Conference on Environmental Catalysis
Isola delle Femmine (PA - Sicily, Italy), 2-5 June 2025
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Explore the Exciting ICEC 2025 Scientific Programme
Conference Theme
Fundamental and applied research on environmental catalysis and catalysts to address the 2050 challenges (a resilient and zero-carbon society). Topics will include, but are not limited to:
  • Automotive and stationary emission control
  • Air cleaning and combustion
  • Water treatment
  • Sustainable and clean energy production and transport
  • Catalysis to electrify the chemical production
  • Green chemistry and biomass transformation, renewable resources conversion
  • Circular economy
  • CO2 utilization and recycling
  • H2 storage and transportation, green H2 production, hydrogen vectors
  • Photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalytic approaches, solar energy utilization
  • Advanced process with electrocatalysis and plasma utilization
  • Fundamental advances in understanding catalysis
  • Multiscale modeling and advanced simulation aspects

It will be 4 full days conference, from Monday to Thursday  (June 2-5, 2025).

Preliminary Scientific Programme   (it will be finalized by the end of April)

Key dates
Key Dates
  • Conference: 2-5 June, 2025
  • Deadline for early-bird registration:   15 April, 2025
The presenting author of an accepted abstract should register and complete the full payment before the early-bird registration deadline in order to be included in the final Programme. A presenting author can submit no more than 2 contributions, and one maximum can be selected for oral or short oral..
The selection of the abstracts was based on the evaluation of the abstracts by international referees, and some balancing considerations. The acceptance letter has been distributed, but the finalized programme will be prepared after having checked the registration. The abstracts of those authors who have made the early-bird registration will be included in the electronic proceedings of the conference.  
Type of presentations
The conference will be in person. Online presentations will be possible only for exceptional cases.
The scientific program will consist of Plenary (PL) and Keynote (KN) lectures, chosen to highlight new trends and opportunities for environmental catalysis, and orals/short orals/poster presentations, lumped into thematic sessions and some mini-simposia. The final programme will include the label “YOUNG TALENT" label of excellence for those selected. Awards for best posters and other ways to valorise them are in preparation.
PL&KN Speakers
Plenaries (PL):
  • Hiromi YAMASHITA - The University of Osaka (Japan)
    Design of Nanostructured Catalysts for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Uses
  • Hiromi Yamashita has been a professor of Osaka University since 2004. He received PhD degree from Kyoto University in 1987. He has been the president of Asia and Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (2019-2023), the president of Catalysis Society of Japan (2019-2020), the member of Academia Europea (2019-), the editor of Applied Catalysis B (2012-). He received awards from several societies such as Chemical Society of Japan, Catalysis Society of Japan, International Mesostructured Materials Association, etc..

  • Olaf DEUTSCHMANN - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany)
    Dynamics in environmental catalysis: from surface coverages to reactor operation
    coauthos: Patrick LOTT
  • Chair of Chemical Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), works on the development of climate- and environmentally-friendly chemical technologies including carbon capture, carbon-free chemical energy carriers, emission control, fuel and electrolysis cells, circular economy, and digitalization tools in catalysis and reaction engineering.

Keynote Plenaries (KP):
  • Pierdomenico BIASI, Casale SA, Lugano (Switzerland)
  • Prospects of environmental catalysis from an industrial perspective
  • He is the Department Head of Basic Research in Casale SA (Lugano, Switzerland). He works in the R&D Division leading the activities in catalysis, biotechnologies, and future technologies. He received the Sandmeyer Award for the development and implementation of the AmoMax-Casale catalyst from the Swiss Chemical Society. He is the author of 40 publications and 10 patents.

  • Annemie BOGAERTS, Research group PLASMANT - University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Plasma catalysis: Complex chemical and physical mechanisms
  • She is full professor in physical chemistry since 2012, and head of the research group PLASMANT, which she founded and now counts ca. 50 members. She published over 650 peer-reviewed papers since 1995 (and about 25 invited book chapters), with over 45,000 citations in Google Scholar (h-index = 106), and has about 265 plenary or invited lectures at international conferences or institutes since 1995. She is also co-inventor of 14 patent applications since 2019, and co-founder of 4 spin-off companies of her research group.

Keynotes (KN):

  • Andrzej ADAMSKI Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)
    Cenosphere-based catalysts active in selected heterogeneous pro-environmental redox reactions

  • Guido BUSCA University of Genova (Italy)
    Zeolite catalysis for (bio)ethanol-to-hydrocarbons processes

  • Jerome CANIVET CNRS-Univ. Lyon1 Villeurbanne (France)
    Porous Macroligands for Heterogenized Photocatalytic Solar Fuel Production

  • Marco DATURI Université de Caen Normandie, ENSICAEN, CNRS Caen (France)
    Room temperature reduction of NO without reductants on iron Metal-Organic Frameworks

  • Hyeonjeong KIM Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Pohang (Republic of Korea)
    Revisiting Electrochemical Breakpoint Chlorination of Ammonium-Rich Wastewater: Reactive Chlorine Speciation on IrTaOx/TiO₂

  • Angeliki LEMONIDOU Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Greece)
    Upgrading of plastic pyrolysis oil model compounds over ZSM5-based catalysts: Effect of reactor type and operating variables

  • Yuefeng LIU Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science Dalian (China)
    Generation of oxide surface patches promoting H-spillover in Ru/(TiOx)MnO catalysts enables CO2 reduction to CO

  • Tapio SALMI Åbo Akademi University Turku-Åbo (Finland)
    Catalytic ozonation of pharmaceuticals – From experiments to modelling

  • Stefan VAJDA J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry Praha 8 (Czech Republic)
    O2 conversion by subnanometer clusters: Control of selectivity by cluster size, composition and support

  • Roberta VILLAMAINA Johnson Matthey Reading (United Kingdom)
    Challenges and performance of Cu-SCR catalysts under H2-ICE conditions

  • Dieter VOGT TU Dortmund University, Dortmund (Germany)
    Homogeneous Multiphase Catalysis in Continuous Operation

Special issues dedicated to the conference by major journals in the area are planned.

Hiromi YAMASHITA is the Editor in chair for the special issues.
Invitation letters for submission will be send.

The submission to ICEC2025 special issue will be open in April 2025.
Invitation letters for submission will be send.

Poster prizes

The journal PCCP (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics) of the Royal Chemical Society (RCS) is sponsoring four PCCP poster prizes. They will be assigned during the conference by a jury and given in a cerimony at the end of the conference by Prof. Maria Lucia Curri,  Associate Editor for PCCP.

Prize in memory of Pio Forzatti
Pio Forzatti was the chair of the first ICEC meeting in Pisa (Italy) in May 1995. He was the Head of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering 'G. Natta' (1998-2000) and founded the Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, a leading group for interdisciplinary research on catalytic processes. He has carried out leading research in the fields of photo-oxygenation of olefins, selective oxidation of gas and liquid phases, chemical and natural gas conversion, energy-related catalysis, chemical engineering and environmental protection.
In his memory, The Department of Energy of the Politecnico of Milano (Italy) has decided to give a special prize to a young scientists working in the area of environmental catalysis. The prize will be decided by an international commission and given during a session of ICEC 2025 dedicated to the memory of prof. P. Forzatti and where five selected oral presentations, particularly by Young Talent researchers, will be given on thematic relative to prof. Forzatti pioneering activities: emission control, air cleaning & combustion and fundamentals of catalysis. A short speech to remember prof. Forzatti scientific contribution will be also given during this session.

ICEC 2025
International Conference on Environmental Catalysis
Isola delle Femmine (PA - Sicily, Italy), 2-5 June 2025
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