- Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 15, 2024 (EXTENDED to end Nov. 2024) NOW CLOSED
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: February 28, 2025
- Early bird registration deadline: April 15, 2025
- The presenting author of an accepted abstract should register and complete the full payment before April 15, 2024, in order to be included in the final Programme
- Presenting authors can submit no more than 2 contributions. In order to maximise the number of speakers able to present their work at ICEC2025, at most, one oral presentation will be allocated per presenting author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract should register and complete the full payment in order to be included in the final Program. When you submit your abstract, you will be required to select your intended participation format (Oral only / Oral preferred or Short Oral / Poster) and the Topic session.
- Oral presentations: 15 min presentation + 5 min for Q&A (20 minutes in total)
- Short oral presentation: 6 min presentation + 2 min for Q&A (8 minutes in total)
- Poster presentations: If selected for a poster presentation, you will present your work in a dedicated poster session during the Congress.
- Abstracts should report (preferably) original, unpublished results in the area of environmental catalysis.
- Indicate the various conference topics to which you can submit your abstract. Indicate the preferred choice and a 2nd option. The Scientific Committee may optionally consider an alternate Topic for placing your presentation. Your abstract will be reviewed by relevant experts.
- Prepare the abstract using the Word template that can be download at this link. The abstract should be then converted to PDF format for submission.
- The same abstract should not be submitted several times, in several topics.
- Any Extended Abstract that is accepted for ICEC 2025 will later become publicly available online as part of the technical program. Make sure that any data and information included is ready for prime time, as well as cleared to be shared publicly by all co-authors.
In order to promote the visibility of highly talented young researchers during ICEC 2025, a “YOUNG TALENT" label of excellence will be awarded to emerging young researchers selected for oral communications, and will appear in the program.
These authors should not be more than 35 years old as of May 31, 2025 and will be required to provide a CV as a PDF file (one page), using the following biosketch Word template.
Evaluation criteria for the peer review process
- Novelty (new insights)
- Significance (impact on the field of environmental catalysis)
- Technical Quality (Conclusions are supported by results, Methodology addresses objectives)
- Relevance with respect to selected Topic (does the abstract fit into the Topic selected by the authors)